Just as the current spike in positive COVID-19 tests has not resulted in a concurrent spike in deaths, it has not led to a dramatic rise in hospitalizations, indicating that the statutory requirement of a “large number of…long-term disabilities” has not been met and thus a new public health emergency cannot be lawfully declared. #sharethefacts #getinvolvedwi Continue Reading
The Ashland County Board is preparing to close down local Ashland businesses under the guise of government “knowing what’s better” for its citizens vs. individuals’ ability and sense to make decisions for themselves. The Marathon County Health & Human Services Committee, along with Health Officer Joan Theurer will be meeting this Wednesday, September 30 at 4pm in the Courthouse Assembly Room.
Marathon County, it’s time again to contact our state legislators and demand that they take action on Gov. Evers issuing his third Covid-19 emergency declaration (Executive Order 90) that allows for the Governor and DHS Secretary-Designee Andrea Palm to issue dictatorial public health edicts.
“Help us spread the word by taking a picture of yourself (feel free to include friends) doing your part (wearing a mask, washing your hands, staying 6 feet from others) and post on your social media accounts…”Wisconsin Launches “You Stop the Spread” Multimedia Campaign
The MacIver Institute has maintained a detailed record of DHS’ day-to-day emergency orders. They also have curated a detailed record of coronavirus data releases, and put together their own charts tracking the spread of the disease in Wisconsin, the number of people COVID + who require hospitalization and other important metrics you will not find anywhere else. Make sure to check their site daily for the latest information.
Unelected bureaucrats in Marathon County are encouraging citizens to turn in their fellow citizens.
American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign. We can speculate on how this has happened, and why it has continued, but the purpose of the inaugural White Coat Summit is to empower Americans to stop living in fear. If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.